Friday 11 January 2008

If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies.

Change is an interesting concept. We can't see it happening but when it does, everyone - good or bad, has an opinion on it.

From birth, change is an inevitable part of life. We don't enter the world the people we are today...we change and grown. We aren't born with the ability to walk and talk, we watch, learn and then have a go.

For many people, change is seen as a threat. Nothing will be the same and they don't like it. Some people get stuck in a routine and reap in the continuity - its familiar, safe and works for them.

But unfortunately, it will never last.

As humans we are always looking for ways to better ourselves.

We are currently in the very regular post-Xmas cycle. Every January, like clockwork, the celebrity fitness DVD's line the shelves, every diet under the sun is tried and tested in the glossies and most woman have the "this year I will definitely do it" attitude.

So why is change so bad?

Pauline R. Kezer once said "Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights."

So surely change is a part of everybody, big or small, we all need change to reach our dreams and make us the people we want to be.

It would be a sad day if we were all the same.

If I was still the person I was only 5 years ago...I would be your average Westlife loving, acne ridden teenage girl. But more importantly I would be the shy 15-year-old who would go along with whatever was said or done, wouldn't say boo to a goose and was happy disregarding my own feelings for others.

For me, change wasn't inevitable, it was compulsory.

I had to toughen myself up, find my voice and think about me for once. Well the latter is still not true but I certainly wouldn't be the person I am today if I carried on the way I was. Apart from anything else, I am not that big of a Westlife fan anymore.

My point is...everybody changes. They don't do it for anyone else, to be liked less or more and they certainly don't do it to different.

They do it be themselves.

After all...If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies.

1 comment:

Karen Anita said...

If i never changed, I would still look like Mick Hucknall from Simply Red. h the shame.

I think my Ron Weasley look in recent years is a vast improvement.

Let's raise our glasses to change!