Wednesday 16 January 2008

PETA's Sex Education.

Understandably they don’t have the reputation for being the family of world’s best mothers at the moment, but surely the Spear’s women don’t deserve the latest offerings of abuse aimed at them.

PETA have made an example of Jamie Lynne Spears in their new “Sex Talk” commercial, drawing links between the sixteen-year-old star and the need to spray and neuter animals.

Do America have nothing else to talk about apart from the fact Britney’s younger sister is pregnant? I mean come on…we hear about it everyday here in the UK and it is normally girls a lot younger who are ‘in the family way’.

The 30 second advert premiers in Friday during “Good Morning America” and features parents who encourage their daughters to be sexually active. During one conversation, a daughter asks her mother “What if I get Pregnant?” and the mother replies “Pop out all the kids you can…If it has a pulse, you should be wrapped around it!”

Surely not?

I don’t think PETA’s issue is with the underage children here…but with their parents! Surely they don’t go on like this in the real world? Or certainly not that I am aware of!

PETA's president Ingrid E. Newkirk said:

"Just as Lynne Spears is under scrutiny because of her underage daughter's pregnancy, people who fail to spay and neuter their animals should also be feeling the heat."

The advert apparently tries to ‘draw a link between unwanted pregnancy and spraying and neutering children’. So…is that how we are supposed to be treating the sexually active of today?

To be honest…I think I am in shock at the idea of it all.

So what…She is sixteen. She has had sex and…She is pregnant. I am guessing it wasn’t planned but she has realised her mistakes and is making the best out of a bad situation.

Shouldn’t we be helping her rather than suggesting she should be banished? She is expecting a baby….not killed one.

In 2006, Britain saw its youngest mother ever at only 11 years old. Young yes, but doesn’t everybody make mistakes?

I think it is easy for people to jump the gun and suggest that these girls are terrible and a disgrace. And it certainly should be up to the parents to take the blame for ‘encouraging their children to have sex’ as PETA suggests. They are teenagers…they can’t be watched 24/7!

To make comparison to unwanted babies and the neutering of animals, to me, is disgusting, inhumane and utterly outrageous. Maybe they should be out their doing something rather than preaching to the world through pretentious and self-righteous adverts.

As the saying goes…Actions speak louder than words.

I have the up most respect for any teenage girl who goes through with a pregnancy at a young age. I have exactly the same amount of respect for any teenage girl who decides that it is too young to have children and opts out.

As women, we have a choice. Surely it is about time people realised that and stopped looking down on teenagers because they 'do it!'

It’s only sex…get over it.

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