Tuesday 15 January 2008

Tattoo too far?

It is a craze that has been around for centuries and around 6% of the population have one -but what is the fascination with tattoos?

For many it is a form of expression, using their body as a canvas for their beliefs and values. Whereas some people enjoy the sensation and become addicted to the pain.

With more and more celebrities such as David Beckham and Amy Warehouse making them stylish, when is it time to draw the line?

New Zealand born Lucky Diamond Rich is currently holder of the Guinness Book of Record’s, Most Tattooed Man title. After spending over 1,000 hours in the chair, the sword-swallowing, juggler is covered head to toe in a collection of colourful designs which includes his eye lids, ears and even his gums.

Or...How about something a little more sentimental?

I am not just talking about having “mum” on your arm or your children’s names on your shoulder.

A man that managed to take ‘sentimental’ that one step too far was Alan Jenkins. He was in the news last year after spending £870 and 20 hours getting his wife’s face tattooed on his back. Surely a sign of dedication? She certainly didn’t think so when she traded him in for a younger model.

Understandably it was a gesture of affection, but in this case the tattoo will last longer than the relationship…Idiot!

So is it a good idea to get someone’s name on your arm? Or your favourite band on your back? You also have to look into the future…Will it still look as good when your 80 to have the Manchester United badge on your calf or Winnie the Pooh on your shoulder?

Probably not.

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